March 2014 Date TBD – Master's Invite Supper at the Center. As a gesture of appreciation for the membership, Mehgan and I would like to put together a supper for the members and their spouses. It would be a meal provided and prepared by the Master and his lady. More details to come as the planning is in the early stages. Keep watch for details regarding the menu, and the official date, as well as a request for rsvp.

For 1/27 we will be calling down to the FC Degree, and doing a bit of practice that night. All FC's are encouraged to attend the 1/27 meeting, participate in the practice and enjoy the Fellowship!
Also for the 1/27 meeting, I have charged each member to come up with one idea to bring to the next meeting for a community activity. All ideas are welcome, and feel free to submit them via email if you would prefer. A few ideas brought to the table already were volunteers for the Presbyterian church that Brother Jr Deacon attends, for events that they hold, donating use of our facility for community actions such as for the new Fireman’s project replacing the Firepup program. AED machine training, etc.
We are tentatively scheduled for our second meeting (02/24) in February to proceed with the conferral of the FC for Brothers Doug Johnson and Josh Grube. I will provide confirmation to the membership once all the necessary details have been covered, however plan for this date as a FC Degree night either way.
I will also be in contact with Jim McMillan in regards to scheduling his EA Degree. I have left him a voicemail to touch base so that we can get him on the schedule. So far it's looking like it will be a March date for him. I will update as I learn more on his schedule as well as where we can get him fit in. We may call a special for this one.

Much ground was covered in the 01/13/2014 meeting as far as exciting new plans for the 2014 Masonic year at our Lodge. I've highlighted a few things coming down the line over the next few months to get everyone up to speed. There will be much more to come!