Brother Robert Wilson received his 65 Year Membership Certificate. Brother Wilson will be 101 on December 28. Pictured l-r, Dale Anderson, John Meek, Robert Wilson (seated), Larry Preston, and Jerry Thompson.
Western Star Lodge #14 first met June 1847 and was granted a Charter on January 18, 1848. Janesville City Lodge #55 first met on October 3, 1854 and was granted a Charter on June 13, 1855. These two lodges formed a joint venture and purchase from the Methodist Church their building on the Northwest corner of Court and South Main streets in the city of Janesville in 1905. After remodeling the building, the Lodge was dedicated on December 27, 1906. The Lodges met there until selling the building and construction of the current Lodge building at 2322 East Milwaukee Street. The corner stone for the current building was laid in ceremony on November 9, 1965 and the Lodge dedicated on October 1, 1966 by the Grand Lodge officers of Wisconsin. Western Star Lodge #14 merged with Janesville City Lodge #55 in 1996 to become know as Janesville-Western Star Lodge F&AM #55.
January 2025