Project 16:49 received a check for $1649.00 from donation from Janesville-Western Star Masonic Lodge #55 and a matching grant from the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation. Pictured are Derek Henze, Peter Ryan, Tammy DeGarmo and Worshipful Master Sven Ahlstrom.
Janesville-Western Star #55 F&AM 2024 Officers were installed on Monday evening January 8, 2024. The Installing Master was Grand Master Davie Richie, with Past Grand Master Scott Pedley installing Marshal. Picture l-r front row; District Deputy Paul Larson; Worshipful Master of Lodge #55, Sven Ahlstrom; Chaplain, Jerry Thompson; Councilor, Tony Walls; Trustee, Mark Walker; Grand Master Davie Richie. Second row, Senior Deacon, James Allan; Junior Deacon, Daniel Rodriguez; Junior Warden, Peter Ryan; Senior Steward, Zackary Anderson; Tyler, Keith Yates. Back row, Installing Marshal Past Grand Master, Scott Pedley; Secretary/Treasurer, Larry Preston; Installing Chaplain District Representative, Bob Barnett. Not Pictured Senior Warden, Alex Petropoulos and Junior Steward Robert McCormack.
Two new Entered Apprentices initiated on December 18 at Janesville-Western Star Lodge #55 F&AM. Pictured l-r front row: Duane Harvey, Sven Ahlstrom, Mark Walker, Entered Apprentice Raymond Stahl and Cory Griffin, Alex Petropoulos, Leroy Huber. Second row: Richard Moen, Mike Nelson, Zack Anderson, Keith Yates, Ward Nottestad, Bill Kaiser. Back row: Tony Walls, Brian Duoss, Mark Nelson.
On Monday November 6, 2023 our Senior Warden Sven Ahlstrom and Junior Warden Alex Petropoulos visited Brother Carl Luedke, and Past Master of Janesville 55, at his assisted living center to deliver to him his 70 Year Masonic plaque. Congratulations Brother Carl, and thank you for helping to build such a great organization.
Janesville-Western Star Raised two members to Master Mason on October 30, 2023. Frt. l-r: Paul Larson, Alex Petropoulos, New Master Mason Robert McCormack, New Master Mason Mark Walker, Sven Ahlstrom, Leroy Huber, Bill Kaiser. 2nd row; Miles Bradley, Tony Walls, Derek Henze, Daniel Rodriguez, Brian Duoss, Mark Nelson, Larry Preston, Duane Harvey. 3rd Row: Peter Ryan, Brad Behlke, Ralph Behlke, James Allen, Mike Nelson.
Front l-r Mark Walker, Alex Petropoulos, Zackery Korinke, Sven Ahlstrom, Zackery Anderson, Leroy Huber, Keith Yates. Back rows: Janes Allan, Brad Behlke, ?, Daniel Rodriques, Brian Duoss, Peter Ryan, Tony Walls, Bill Kaiser, Harly Hinz, Ralph Behlke, Larry Preston.
Eric Hudson and James Allen raised to Master Masons. Front L-R: Bard Behlke, Sven Ahlstrom, Eric Hudson, Alex Petropoulos, Leroy Huber. Back row: Mike Nelson, Tony Walls, Brian Duoss, Peter Ryan, Bob Barnett Mark Nelson, Zack Anderson.
Front row l to r; Brad Behlke, Sven Ahlstrom, Master Mason Daniel Rodriguez, Alex Petropoulos, Keith Yates, LeRoy Huber. Back row; Tony Walls, Mike Nelson, Peter Ryan, Brian Douss, Zack Anderson, Mark Nelson, Larry Preston. Photo by Pat Garvin
January 2025