The 2025 Officers of Janesville-Western Star Lodge #55 were installed on January 5, 2025. Pictured are the 2025 officers along with the installing officers, l to r: District Deputy; Paul Larson, Senior Decan; Daniel Rodriguez, Junior Warden: James Allan, 2025 Worshipful Master: Alex Petropoulos, Senior Warden: Peter Ryan, Installing Master: Joseph Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer: Larry Preston, Past Grand Master: David Richie. Back Row: Counselor: Sven Ahlstrom, Junior Deacon: Robert McCormack, Senior Steward: Cory Griffin, Junior Steward: Mattheew Stockwell, District Representative: Bob Barnett, Tyer: Keith Yates, Chaplain: Benjamin Whiting.
Donald Stuart Berry raised to Master Mason. Pictured l-r Brad Behlke, Leroy Huber, WM Sven Ahlstrom, Donald Stu Berry, Alex Petropoulos, Bill Kayser. Second row: Tony Walls, James Allen, Daniel Rodriquez, Peter Ryan: Back row: Robert McCormack, Mike Nelson, Richard Moen, Keith Yates, Mark Nelson, Larry Preston.
Two new members initiated on Monday, July 22. Aiden Brink (the fourth from the left) and Benjamin Whiting (fifth from the left). were initiated Entered Apprentices.
Raymond Stahl was raised to the Master Mason Degree on Monday June 24, 2024. Front row l to r: Duane Harvey, Leroy Huber, Sven Ahlstrom, Raymond Stahl, Mark Walker, Alex Petropoulos, Phil Story. 2nd Row, Brad Behlke, Tony Walls, Peter Ryan, Cory Griffin, Miles Bradley, Bill Kaiser, Daniel Rodriguez. Back Row: Robert McCormack, James Allan, Brian Duoss, Ralph Behlke, Jerry Thompson, Bob Barnett, Larry Preston, Keith Yates.
Janesville-Western Star Lodge F&AM #55 Presented a donation of $1,649 to Tammy DeGarmo of Project 16:49.
Pictured L to R. Brad Behlke, Alex Petropoulos, Leroy Huber, Fellow Crafts Donald Stu Berry, Sven Ahlstrom, Peter Ryan, ?,
Second Row: Bob Barnett, Tony Walls, Mark Walker, Cory Griffin, Daniel Rodreguez, Jerry Thompson. Third Row: Mark Nelson, Robert McCormack, James Allen, Derek Henze, Keith Yates, Mike Nelson, Larry Preston Cory Griffin raised to Master Mason. L to R: Robert McCormack, Sven Ahlstrom, Cory Griffin, Alex Petropoulos, Bill Kaiser, Duane Harvey. Second Row; Mark Walker, Miles Bradly, Bob Barnett, Peter Ryan. Third Row; Tony Walls, Brian Duoss, Larry Preston.
Picture l to r: Brad Behlke, LeRoy Huber, Sven Ahlstrom, Fellow Craft Raymond Stahl, Mark Walker, Alex Petropoulos, Bill Kaiser. Back Row: Robert McCormack, Tony Walls, Larry Preston, Brian Duoss, James Allen, Daniel Rodriguiz, Bob Barnett, Jerry Thompson, Keith Yates, Pat Garvin.
January 2025